August 15,2012
Today Obama, by executive edict, added nearly 2 Million more people to the U.S. workforce. That brings the under/unemployed rate to what now? 16%??? 20%???Does it make much difference how Epic the failure of the Ideologue-in-Chief really turns out to be? It's not like the "media Water Carriers" will be helping anyone remember the High Crimes and Misdemeanors required to be such a staunch Ideologue as Obama has turned out to be.
On a separate note, something the left has proven time and again and beyond a shadow of a doubt. When the left attempts anything Illegal or Immoral, the left will project onto their opposition, that which they will be attempting. Example, you say? Ok, How about this...Just in recent history, every time the left attempted to circumvent the Rule of Law, the left accused the opposition of?... you guessed it... circumventing the Rule of Law. (The amount of specific examples, with names, loc, etc., are too many to list here. But, if any Libs want to read my 64 pg report on the subject, then feel free to email me directly for a copy at
I stated the preceding in order to state the following:
The amount of attention to Voter Fraud by Obama's Attack Dog Eric Holder and his DOJ, supposedly perpetrated by Republicans, is another projection by the left. Obama has a Tell, to use a poker metaphor. The left is selling out their intent to give cover for any Voter Fraud, by the right individuals.
Let me also say to the Establishment Republicans... unless you want the entire country to believe that you are working with the left, politically, you had better be prepared to investigate, fight and take to court, any attempt by the DOJ to provide cover for Dem Voter Fraud. I will also say that if the Establishment Republicans think that the "Dreamers", or at least a large percentage of them, will NOT be attempting to vote in 2012, for Obama...then you are acting and thinking in as naive a manner as you accuse the Tea Party or Libertarians of.
Another thing the Establishment Republicans need to get through their expansive craniums, as they look fondly down their collective noses at the "regular Joes", is that like most Americans, we want a solution and a choice made, as to the path we need to take for America's future. So, if "conservative" or "Tea Party" or "Libertarian" principles are such a detriment to your agenda and your idea of what the future of America should look like, then act like you have some intestinal fortitude and confidence in your argument and just lay out your plans for the future and let us poor dolts be impressed with how smart you are and how much foresight you have. I mean seriously, with as much intellectual firepower as Establishment Republicans can bring to bare... then surely, you can convince doubters, on your side of the aisle, how your plans for the future of America, will be so much better than what the Tea Party or the Libertarians or even conservatives are asking for.
Lastly, and with all due respect to those Establishment Republicans who will "feel" insulted by someone they believe to be their inferior or by the statements I have made here...I have only made these statements for the sake of Party Unity and for the sake of keeping your wisdom and experience in the Republican Party. As I'm sure you have noticed the Establishment type Republicans are being systematically retired by the Tea Party/Conservative/Libertarian types, with greater frequency at each subsequent election. If for no other reasons than practicality and self preservation, let me ask you to move closer to the principles of the rest of us in "THE TENT" or convince the rest of us that your ideas will work better or to a minimum, recognize that this 100 year old experiment of Hybridizing Socialism and Capitalism is an economy wrecking, epic failure and use that experience to lift everyone, not just a few of you.
One thing is for certain,... If you Establishment Republicans continue to, in Liberal fashion, betray, belittle, attack or suppress Freedom and Freedom Loving Americans,we will continue to vote you out of power.It's only been two elections since this started and look at how many you have lost. You will not be able to turn enough new Tea Party Reps or Senators to hold power within the next two or three elections, so before the extinction of the Establishment, please Act!... Just not like Obama!
God Bless America!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
A different celebration on Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day
Please understand that by no means am I claiming to be a
writer, nor journalist, nor anything else but a regular Joe, who wants the same
opportunities and freedoms as our forefathers. Do not confuse me with some
intellectual, academician, nor scholar of any sort. I am just a regular
American Joe, stuck in the wilds of a socialist state takeover and asking,
“Where is the country of Washington and Franklin and Jefferson and Madison.
Where are the intellectual, heavyweight battles, fought by the likes of Madison, Jefferson and Adams.
Where is the courage of men like John Hancock, who purposely wrote his name so
big on the Declaration of Independence just so King George would see his name,
even without his glasses and left no doubt who stood against the King. This, as
opposed to today, when we fight Copper Heads instead of Loyalists. The Copper
Heads of old, fought to maintain physical slavery. The Copper Heads of today
fight to maintain their financial and intellectual slaves on the slave
plantation which is the Democrat party. The thought of us peasants and peons
being free to choose anything but what they allow, is anathema to the
pseudo-intellectual, elitist wannabe’s( Copper Heads) aka the Democrat party
owners of today. Their socialist takeover of the Democrat party almost
complete, they now turn their sites on the opposition and getting their “properly
indoctrinated” minions to work for the cause of the big government/socialist
The Democrat operatives and their masters, are doing their damnedest to improve the unemployment problem by hiring and paying their minions
to troll internet sites and do whatever they can to stifle and confuse their
biggest enemy in the world, the right(conservatives). It’s the latest
incarnation of the lefts political prowess. The problem, of course, is the law
of unintended consequence. Having proven repeatedly throughout history that
they prefer to destroy this country than to live in it without socialism and
big government control, they are showing their desperation, by throwing any and
everything they can up against the wall to see what sticks and with no thought
towards the repercussions of their attacks on fellow Americans. In this
election it seems to be coming back to bite them in their backsides.
What the left is accomplishing, so far, is igniting a rather
large group of Patriots to use the same guerrilla tactics on sites like ABC,
CNN, etc… but that’s only the beginning. Soon you will see the Right’s Patriots, going after the left wing extremists or Copper Head sites and the rest of the
left’s “Goon Squads”. The “Copper Heads, Goon Squads” are starting to see some
strange reactions to tactics that only a few weeks or months ago, would start
some crazily off topic threads on conservative sites, but today they find a,
“whatever Troll” response and an immediate appearance by a group of Patriots on
a left wing site, accomplishing the exact thread hijacking that was only just attempted
by the left’s “Goon Squads”. These “Goon
Squads” or Copper Heads or Democrat operatives, or whatever you want to call
them, are the spiritual descendents of the telemarketers in boiler rooms of the
60’s, 70’s & 80’s, this is the 21st century telemarketer, now sitting behind a keyboard instead of a phone
and in their parents basements, instead of a Boiler Room in Miami. Working in
their underwear, instead of thousand dollar suits and silk ties. They are still
trying to scam you out of your money, but today they also scam you out of your
rights. The Copper Heads of today, instead of running off to Canada, simply
walk out on Contempt votes in Congress. Their minions instead of joining the
Confederacy are joining the army of Northern Virginia, ie… the Goon Squads of
Democrat Operatives trying to demoralize anyone who won’t vote for the Maoist
Messiah which occutards the White House at the moment.
The bigger problem for the left, is that the formerly
uninterested and uninformed are now getting the other side of the story. This
is something the left will fight tooth and nail, because in all things from the
political left, “Ignorance is Bliss” and any idea from the right is to be shut
down or spun or lied about, amongst the uninformed, immediately, else their
carefully crafted indoctrination falls apart like a house of cards in a
hurricane. Once that cat, is out of the bag and people start to think for
themselves, the Copper Heads’ little world comes apart under the weight of
simple common sense and no amount of demeaning or intimidation gets that cat,
back into that bag, of used kitty litter, which is liberal ideology.
It is always
interesting to see the left’s reaction, when their own tactics are used,
effectively against them. The angered hatred that arises on the left is truly
funny to watch. The shrill screams of racism will abound. When they see that
that’s not working they’ll start getting the Formerly mainstream media involved
to try and help stop the “Patriots” but, by that time it, will be too late and
they’ll start screaming/whining some other childish response like, “Swift
Boating” or whatever they can come up with at that time.
The left is going to have to now spend Millions of dollars more,
fighting the “Patriots”, which the so called intellectuals of the left believe,
is money that should be going to an already troubled reelection campaign for
the ONE that they were waiting for. They will attempt to get the Brett
Kimberlin’s of the Democrat party to come after the “Patriots”. They will get
operatives in the IRS to confiscate and/or hold bank accounts. They will send
any and every hateful attack they can muster. All this because the Copper Heads, the left,
don’t know how to keep the march towards socialism going and fight the ideals
the founders put together, for the specific purpose of keeping petty little
tyrants like themselves from doing what they are trying to do, without the
consent of the people.
I sit here on the 1st of Aug. 2012, having just watched
an astounding display, where some people were celebrating Freedom of Speech or
Religion. Some people were celebrating life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness and the Copper Heads were angered by the victory of the people over
socialist ideals. Yet here I sit celebrating the coming battle to retrieve my
beloved country from the ravages of the Copper Heads and their Goon Squads on
all aspects of a free society. I celebrate the wisdom of the Founders and the
lack of intellectual integrity of the adversary. I celebrate those American
modern day Patriots, who refuse to bow to King ObamaTax and his Copper Heads,
the way Leonidas and the 300 refused to bow to the oppression of Xerxes, let
alone the Copper Heads, trifling trolls, bearing their gifts of hatred, racism
and total government control. I
celebrate the Patriots who fight the ignorance instilled by indoctrination. The
Copper Head, lack of forethought and/or consideration for the repercussions of
their attacks on fellow Americans will not stop until it becomes blatantly
obvious, that the damage done to their cause, is greater than any benefit it
So, go on Patriots, use the weight and power of the Copper
Heads and their Goon Squads against them. Make them pay for attempting to take
your freedom away. Make the Copper Heads feel the pain of their UNAMERICAN
ideology of destruction, dominion and humiliation. I celebrate you American
Patriots on this 1st of Aug, 2012. Americas Independence Day from big
government over reach and socialist oppression, Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day! Thank you Gov. Huckabee!
That Shining City on
the Hill must be protected. That true hope of the future put forth by Reagan is
a mentality that needs to be maintained and nourished with “Truth to Power” and
“American Exceptionalism” and there is no amount of liberal hatred or left wing
demoralization, that will prevent us from defending our country from being run
into the ground by your “Goon Squads” of paid Democrat operatives and Copper
I know full well, that I will be attacked with all manner of
hateful racist, anti-American accusations and I just don’t care I have nothing
left to lose. All the left could accomplish by attacking me or any other
American regular Joe, is to make him or her, famous enough to run for office,
ala “Joe the Plumber”. So go ahead. I dare you Copper Heads to come after me,
you hateful racist inhumane ideologues. I dare you to Boycott me. I dare you to try your Kimberlin
inspired “SWATting” tactics on regular Americans like me. Just remember, everything you do, every
tactic you use, will be turned on you, 10 times over, as you saw on Aug. 1st. These Copper Heads have
been at war with freedom since Woodrow Wilson, a hundred or so years ago. They
will not go away without a fight. Then I say to all you Copper Heads/Goon
Squads/democrat operatives, Bring it on, because the Patriots are already
screaming “Let’s Roll”.
God Bless America!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Another way to an American Recovery…Make it a win-win
situation for all involved
The American people need to partake in the American Dream
again. Well, first they probably need to believe in the American Dream again.
Not to say it’s dead but, let’s be real, I’m sure we can agree, it’s taken a
beating. The quickest way I know to get that back is Liquidity. The people have
to feel they have the financial security again to Dream.
The only way the President can accomplish this quickly is to
bring back a successful program from the past. It’s time to bring back the Oil
& Gas Lease Lottery/Mineral Rights lottery and do it in a manner that will
bring the average American into the greatest digital land rush in history.
Understand that some offshore parcels should be awarded
immediately to the “majors”, in order to get production moving in the right
direction, but the majority can be parceled out for the average American. Let’s
allow the people to move towards that “Shining City on the Hill”, beginning
with a little prosperity.
The parcels can be broken up into sizes that will allow the
Bureau of Land Management to administer the lotteries in a fair and reasonable
manner. Thousands upon thousands of parcels can be separated out in specific areas
and the BLM can manage the zones so as not to cause unnecessary congestion. No one person, company or entity can enter a
lottery for any given parcel but once and for a fee of say $50 or $100 dollars.
There will be a yearly maintenance fee for the winners and then you can decide
how to take advantage of the mineral rights of your parcel. Anyone who fills
out the paperwork and gets into the lotteries has the same opportunity as the
big energy companies of being awarded the mineral rights and the possible
future profits.
After the long slow trudge through the economic quagmire
that Barack Obama has put the citizens of this country through, my fellow
Americans, it’s time you took advantage of some of the natural resources that
belong to you, the American people.
Let’s face it, the energy giants would prefer we give them
the rights directly without having to pay the American people for it, but I
believe it’s up to the American people to decide how their energy future will
be paid out. The program will not only pay for itself but it will turn a profit
that can be used to pay down the astounding debt that has been choking the economy
and was left by the Obama administration.
This is the same formula and type of program that created
the cellular and direct talk industries in the 80’s and 90’s. This is an idea
whose time has come, but it requires a President who is not beholding to the
energy industry. It could be the beginning of an American Renascence that any
President would be proud to have as their Legacy, but only a true leader and
patriot can carry forward.
I bring this idea to the American people, because of your experience in the
Oil & Gas industry and you can understand the benefit of hundreds of new
American companies(Wild Caters) and the economic impact this could have in many
new areas that the Major energy companies can’t or won’t bring online, but a
“little guy” driller will. Imagine the increase in Oil & Gas production for
a number of states, not just Alaska and Texas but, Ohio, Pa, W.Va. and all the
western states that will have a real income stream from lands they
would get little if anything from otherwise.
Any help or ideas you could give me with regards to moving
this concept forward in the proper circles, would be most appreciated. Best
wishes and may God Bless you and your family.
Best wishes and Warm Regards,
Twitter: @paratisi
You may already own mineral rights and not know it:
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